Go to Rapportive Chrome page and click on Add to Chrome.
When the Confirm Installation box comes up, click Install. Once the extension is installed, Google Chrome will show you a confirmation message.
Now, open your Gmail account and open any contact. Instead of showing ads, it displays information about the person. Twitter accounts, recent tweets, Gravatar profile and more. Do note that it will only show you the profile of the user and recent tweets if the recipient has used that email address to register with those services.
Hover the mouse over the Twitter link and it will display their recent tweets in a small popup.
The Repportive extension lets you connect Google, Facebook and Linked in accounts too. Click on Sign in with Google/Facebook and authorize the application to access your information.
After authorizing Google, it will ask you to authorize the extension with your Facebook account.
This will help users add contacts on Facebook, read and comment on their posts and more, right inside Gmail.