If you’ve ever used Photoshop to select a person in order to place them on a different background, you’ll know what a fiddly and time-consuming process it can be. Adobe has announced an upcoming feature to allow you to get most of the job done with a single click …

An impressive demo video shows the tool automatically selecting a woman from a street scene, a group of people on a beach, a couple and their dogs – and even a red panda.

Adobe stresses that the tool is designed to ‘get you started’ with your selection, rather than do the entire job, but certainly the demos do at least 95% of it. Comments on the video suggest that I’m not alone in being impressed.

As Engadget notes, the fact that it uses machine-learning should mean that the feature improves the more people use it.

Game changer.

Ok, it’s official, Adobe has commercialized actual magic.

Excellent! When? I want it NOW!

There’s no word yet on when to expect it, or whether the feature will also make it into Lightroom.