After recently launching on the iPad, Airmail is back today with a free 3.0 update to the Mac version. The latest version adds a long list of features and improvements including smart folders for sorting out your email easier, VIP support for marking specific contacts, and much more.

Starting with Airmail 3, you can turn off new message alerts for all senders except VIP contacts just like on Airmail for iOS, and iCloud sync supports VIPs as well so you can set up your favorites on one device and have the rules apply on all your devices. iCloud sync also applies to smart folders and rules created in Airmail on any version now.

Gmail and Exchange users can now enjoy a new ‘send later’ option when composing new emails, and Gmail users also gain Primary Inbox support. Airmail 3 includes even more customization now too: you can now tweak menus, gestures, keyboard shortcuts, and folders, plus Airmail also featured plenty of personalization options.

Check out the full list of everything new below:

Airmail 3 is a free update to existing customers or $9.99 for new customers on the Mac App Store. The app is a highly recommended alternative to Apple’s Mail app, especially for Gmail users, and supports the latest OS X 10.11 El Capitan features including Split View.

New – Vip

New – Vip notifications

New – Actions

New – Send Later (Gmail and Exchange)

New – Customizable Menu

New – Customizable Gestures

New – Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts

New – Customizable Folders

New – Calendar integration (apply to new permissions)

New – Fuzzy Label, Move to

New – Online Search

New – Message Rendering Engine

New – Action Space Key to scroll

New – Action Unsubscribe

New – Rules Export/Import

New – iCloud Rules sync

New – iCloud VIP sync

New – iCloud Smart Folders sync

New – Forward messages in Rules

New – Sort Messages By Account

New – Recipients detected from previously sent messages

New – Integration Asana

New – Integration Trello

New – Gmail (Primary Inbox support)

New – Redesigned threads

New – Reply To Field

Improved – Sending with VPN (Gmail)

Improved – Quick Reply

Improved – Composer Attachments

Improved – Thread rendering

Improved – Respect Silent Notification

Improved – Starred on threads

Improved – GAL now support groups

Improved – Contacts

Fixed – Autocorrect on Subject

Fixed – Gmail multiple Login Windows

Fixed – Sporadic Half rendering Messages

Fixed – Links messages