The Current War is the story of the rivalry between the greatest inventors of the industrial age over whose electrical system would power the new century. Starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Thomas Edison and  Michael Shannon as George Westinghouse, explores the back and forth what these men were willing to do to prove their system was the best.

Director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon (Me and Earl and the Dying Girl) tells the tale with a modern visual aesthetic. Screen Rant had the chance to talk to Alfonso about his first meeting with Cumberbatch, and his working relationship with cinematographer Chung-hoon Chung.

I read that the producer, Timur Bekmambetov, was the one that brought The Current War script to you. What was your relationship with him before the film and what was your reaction when you first read the script?

Benedict Cumberbatch was already cast in the role of Edison. What was your first meeting with him like?

Alfonso Gomez-Rejon: I didn’t know Timur before I read the script. It was submitted to me; it had made the Blacklist as one of the best unproduced scripts of the year. So, I read it and met Timur a little further down the preproduction process on set.

Since then, we’ve had a little bit more of a relationship, as he’s been so helpful to me in this post-[production] process.

Was there anything specific that you both saw in Edison?

Alfonso Gomez-Rejon: It was on Skype. His wife was about to give birth, or she’d just given birth, and we Skyped just to make sure we were seeing the same film. I talked to him, and we both shared our thoughts on Edison. I shared how I saw the film, and we were in sync, so I just decided to move forward.

Tesla was originally supposed to be a cameo. What made you wanted to expand the role?

Alfonso Gomez-Rejon: I think [it was] being willing to go to the dark side unapologetically and making him a full human – not just a villain or not just the kind Edison, but a fully formed antihero. Which are some of my greatest characters in film.

It does feel like he’s in the movie more.

Alfonso Gomez-Rejon: He was always going to be a supporting role, and I think he is. I think he’s not in the movie that much, but I think Nick Hoult’s presence and his storyline are so interesting…

Is this the second or third time you’ve worked with your DP, Chung-hoon Chung?

Alfonso Gomez-Rejon: Which is what it’s supposed to feel like. He is the secret motor between the two men that makes it all possible, but I think it’s a tribute to an incredible actor who is unforgettable in the role.

Between Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and The Current War, what was the biggest change in your working relationship with him?

Alfonso Gomez-Rejon: Third time. Although the second was a project that no one saw. We did a pilot that was one of my favorite things I’ve ever made, but no one saw it. So, this is our third thing; we’re about to do a commercial together. He’s a real brother to me; he just gets me.

That’s great. I love the visual of the film, and the energy you put into it. It’s a beautiful-looking movie.

Alfonso Gomez-Rejon: We both like to break the rules; we lead with character. We always lead with character and theme, and we talk about that to death, until we just get these characters. And then I’ll share how I see the film, and then he usually pushes back.

But we storyboard, we design together. By the time we get to set, I feel safe. I feel I’m able to just create, knowing that he sees the same film I see. That allows me to just be present for my actors.

More: The Current War Official Trailer

  • The Current War Release Date: 2019-10-25