Some people were confused about why Apple is stuffing so many announcements into one event. Having called a single event “not logical” earlier in the day, Daring Fireball’s John Gruber now agrees with our prior reports: breaking tradition, there won’t be an October event this year.

After claiming a single event would be “inexplicable” earlier in the day, Gruber followed up with a small piece on his blog last night, saying that sources (“birdies”) claim Apple will only be holding one event in the fall this year, the event today.

This means that Apple will break tradition of the last several years and not have another event in 2015 after today. Although it isn’t clear why Apple has made this decision to cram everything into one event, especially when some product announcements are not set to be released until October, it does give some justification.

There’s another implication: usually the October event shows off iPads and Macs. With iPads featuring today, it seems like new Macs may not have an event at all. Instead, these products will likely appear on Apple’s online store one day accompanied by a press release announcing the new items.

The same applies for the software side — the new release of Mac OS X is typically announced at the October event. Whilst we still believe El Capitan will be released next month, Gruber’s sources indicate it will happen with a lot less fanfare than previous years.