Specs of what appears to be an unannounced, refreshed MacBook Air have surfaced via screenshots posted to Chinese forums Feng.com.

The images show system specs for a 13-inch “MacBookAir7,2” with similar internals to the existing model but with a couple upgrades. A new Intel Broadwell Core 1.6GHz i5-5250U processor and Intel HD Graphics 6000 shown in the images would be an upgrade from the 1.4GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 and Intel HD Graphics 5000 shipping in the current 13-inch MacBook. Also present is in the specs is a slightly larger 7422mAh battery. 

Other specs in the screenshot include 4GB of RAM and a 1440×900 resolution display, both of which are the same as the current generation MacBook Air.

The forum poster also points to models that will be offered for the refreshed MacBook including the option of a 1.6GHz Core-i5 processor with 128GB or 256GB of storage or a 2.2ghz Intel Core i7-5650U processor with a 512GB SSD and 8GB of RAM.

Apple has its next press event scheduled for March 9th, and also much anticipated, all-new 12-inch MacBook in the works, but we’ll have to wait and see if the Mac gets any stage time during the event that will most likely focus on Apple Watch.