Judging by tweets from affected users, Alexa first started experiencing connectivity issues this afternoon, but those problems were seemingly resolved for most users. Now, however, the connectivity issues have seemingly made a widespread comeback, with affected users again taking to Twitter to voice their frustrations.

Earlier today, we reported that a handful of iCloud services were suffering from connectivity issues. Some 5 hours later, those issues still don’t appear to be fully resolved, at least according to Apple’s system status page.

Have you been affected by iCloud issues or the Alexa outage today? Let us know down in the comments.

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Seems Alexa is not speaking to me and quite a few more customers. #alexadown pic.twitter.com/J0sFKMSTaC

— James Weeks (@jimmyweeks) October 24, 2018

#Alexa has been down for nearly 12 hours, @amazonHelp. What gives?

— L.Deux (@L_Deux_) October 24, 2018

#AlexaDown ! Now I have to remember how to turn the lights on and off again!

— Erin Boyle (@erinboyle05) October 24, 2018

Alexa is down AGAIN. What a day.

— Erinescence (@Erinescence) October 24, 2018

My #Alexa is down! Who is going to mishear all my questions?

— Phearless YuckIHateSpiders (@phyllie417) October 24, 2018

@amazonecho is Alexa down again

— Universal (@ministersquad2) October 24, 2018