The entire unit has a slant that angles upwards so that the 7-inch touchscreen will be visible when looking down from above. From the blurry image, the interface shows the time in the top left corner with calendar events underneath. The backdrop is of clouds, though users will likely be able to customize that.

Below the display is a large speaker grill that will reportedly output better sound than the current Echo. Similar to the recently announced Echo Look, there appears to be a camera above the display.

AFTVnews speculates that it will priced above $200 given that it will be an improvement to the existing Echo, but come in under $300.

Update: Additional, higher-res images of the device have been released by Evleaks. A clearer view of the UI reveals a weather widget, as well as what appears to be notifications for messages. At the bottom, there is a carousel that allows users to swipe through to see more information or prompts.