CNET reports on what you can expect.

Seeing AR capabilities in shopping apps is now commonplace, after many large retailers jumped on board when Apple added AR functionality to iOS 11 back in 2017. Handmade goods site Etsy joined the party earlier this year, enabling you to see how paintings and prints would look hung on your own walls.

If your tastes in art are rather more expensive, there’s an AR art museum which lets you virtually hang famous paintings on your walls.

Bring masterpieces from some of the world’s top museums into your own home using the power of augmented reality (AR). With [AR]T Museum, you can experience your favorite artworks from the comfort of your own home!

“In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread closures of museums across the world, the necessity of creating an alternative, remote way to experience art and culture has never been greater,” said Brendan Ciecko, CEO & Founder of Cuseum. “In these unprecedented times, we’re helping people across the globe feel connected with works that bring them joy and inspiration. Just imagine experiencing your favorite artwork from the comfort of your own living room – we’re excited to make this a reality.”