Lukas and dog Falco are returning to America’s Got Talent with an “emotional” performance to make up for being eliminated previously.

In the quarter-finals, Lukas Pratschker and his best friend/dog, Falco, impressed the judges on the NBC show with their intense tricks. The two performed a dance to the music of Blink 182’s “All the Small Things” that had choreographed jumps and spins that left the audience on their feet when they finished. Lukas, who is originally from Vienna, Austria, has been performing with Falco for the past eight years. The Austrian native owned his own indoor practice center, where he ran “School of Dog” on weekends.

The fan favorite on America’s Got Talent has been brought back thanks to the Wild Card pick. The beloved act of Lukas and his dog, Falco, will make an emotional return to the stage after they made it to the quarter-finals only to be eliminated.  To the act’s astonishment, they were given the very last wild card, which secured them a spot to compete. Lukas spoke for both of them when he was interviewed and said that they are both very excited to perform on the enormous stage an in front of the audience. The dog trainer told People that the duo has something very special planned for their exciting return, but is most concerned about making Falco feel comfortable with all eyes on him.

The 23-year-old said that he had decided to only put the tricks that Falco enjoyed performing the most. According to the dog trainer, it may not be the duo’s most exciting performance to date, but it will be their most emotional thus far. Lukas’s main concern is to have his dog really enjoy the night, making it less of a job and more of a fun memory for the nine-year-old dog. Judge, Julianne Hough, is particularly looking forward to watching Falco boogie across the main stage one more time. Most of the America’s Got Talent judges agree that Falco is too cute to look away from and both Lukas and the dog have great chemistry when performing together.

While there are many excellent acts in the competition, only the best will make it to the finals to compete. True fans are crossing their fingers for the dynamic duo to make a comeback, hoping to see them do well on the all-new episode. If all else fails, at least performing is what this canine freestyle team loves to do.

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America’s Got Talent airs on Tuesdays at 8pm EST on NBC.

Source: People