American Crime Story is a series that has brought us the tales of both OJ Simpson and the murder of Gianni Versace - two subjects that are incredibly different but unbelievably intriguing within their own right.

Now, as we await the third season, we thought it’d be a good idea to look into some alternative ideas regarding what the future could hold for ACS. Some are a little bit out there and some are pretty realistic, but either way, one thing we’ve discovered from our research is that there’s a whole lot of potential that could be exploited in the next few years and beyond.

Bill Clinton Controversy

Monica  Lewinsky and Bill Clinton were allegedly involved in an extramarital affair when Clinton held the position of President of the United States. Ironically, this idea has actually been put forward as a potential future season of American Crime Story, so we may see it come to fruition in the future (spoiler: it’s actually coming out in 2020).

You can make your own mind up about what actually happened behind closed doors, but the fact of the matter is that nobody is going to forget about it anytime soon. As a result of the media storm following the incident, it makes sense for this to be covered.

9/11 & Iraq War

Nobody will ever quite be able to forget what happened on September 11, 2001 – nor should they. The images from the terrorist attacks that fell upon the United States of America will be burned into the memories of millions for many years to come.

The eventual War on Terror that came in the immediate aftermath of this has been well documented, with many believing that the likes of George Bush and Tony Blair should be held to account for the decision to make it happen. It’s a touchy subject, but if done well, it could be brilliant.


The break-in at the DNC headquarters back in 1972 came to be known as Watergate, with President Richard Nixon’s involvement in the scandal changing the course of politics in the United States forever.

We’d want to see everything from the initial break-in to the pardon, to Nixon’s eventual admission of guilt during his interview with David Frost. It would make for utterly intoxicating television, and nobody can convince us otherwise. Sure, Frost/Nixon already did a pretty great job of it, but we trust Ryan Murphy to do some great work here.

Columbine High School Massacre

In April 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered 12 students and one teacher at Columbine High School. While school shootings have hardly been a rarity in the States over the years, this one particularly stood out and is often referenced as being one of the most influential.

From their motives to the aftermath and beyond, there is so much to unpack here and, again, while it may be a sensitive subject, it’s not like Murphy has been afraid to delve into the unknown and see what he can muster up before.

Hurricane Katrina

In another idea that is supposedly planned as a future season, based on the progressive corruption during the city of New Orleans in the midst of the tragedy known as Hurricane Katrina.

We’ll go out on a limb and suggest that there isn’t a whole lot known about this which, in a sickening way, kind of sounds really refreshing. This might be quite different from the two that have already aired, too, which would be intriguing.

Ed Kemper

There’s an argument to be made that Ed Kemper could easily end up on American Horror Story, which is a franchise that hasn’t been afraid to embrace serial killers in the past.

Mindhunter has also touched on Kemper’s horrific past, but the manner in which he presents himself and talks gives us the chilling impression that his edition of American Crime Story would be hauntingly engaging. If they could actually get the guy from Mindhunter to play him, as he does so well in that show, it’d be even better.

Michael Jackson

We’ve all heard or seen Leaving Neverland, but we want to focus on the 2005 trial that almost took Jackson down for good. Leading all the way up until his death, and even to this day, there have been many accusations about the famous entertainer and they aren’t going away any time soon.

The man himself isn’t here to defend himself, but we’d imagine that Murphy would probably take a similar approach to this edition of the show as he did during the OJ Simpson season. That’s not the worst idea we’ve ever heard.

JonBenét Ramsey

JonBenét Ramsey was killed in her family home at the age of six, with the murder case still being unresolved. Many people have many different theories, and unraveling them for the world to see could make for an intriguing season.

We sound a bit heartless in saying that and we apologize if that’s the case, but it’s more about highlighting what happened and ensuring that nobody ever forgets that justice needs to be served in one way or another. It’s all just so bizarre, and that’ll never cease to be the case.

Harvey Weinstein

The cruel nature of the Harvey Weinstein ordeal is that he’s clearly going to get away with everything he’s done, but the “Me Too” movement which has come out of it is more than worth touching on in what would be a fascinating season of television.

The fact that this topic is so unbelievably current would make it all the more fascinating, as well as all the more infuriating. Some might say it’s tasteless but, at the risk of beating a dead horse, we trust Murphy with doing it justice.

JFK’s Assassination

Yes, we’d have a look into the Marilyn Monroe stuff, but we don’t believe all too much time should be spent on it in the long run. John F. Kennedy was the 31st president of the United States until he was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald who, in turn, was also murdered just a few days later.

It’s an unbelievable tale in many ways, with the spot of his murder turning into something of a tourist destination in Dallas, Texas.