Madison Montgomery is a conflicting character in American Horror Story. Despite showing a hidden soft side, she spent most of Coven antagonizing the other witches before her second death at the hands of Kyle. In Apocalypse, Madison undergoes a redemption arc of sorts after being rescued from Hell by Michael Langdon and gives everything in the fight against the Anti-Christ to protect the coven.

Madison has done some unforgivable things during her multiple lives that earned her place in retail hell. However, the young witch has shown that she has a heart and is capable of compassionate and selfless acts of bravery. Here are five times we loved Madison Montgomery and five times we loathed her.

Loved Her: Holding Off Michael

Madison shows exceptional bravery during the witches’ final confrontation with Michael. After surviving the nuclear war, Madison accompanies Cordelia and Myrtle to Outpost 3 and uses Ms. Mead’s rifle to temporarily wound the Anti-Christ, holding him off long enough for the coven to escape with Mallory.

Madison knows that this is essentially a suicide mission because of how powerful Michael is. However, she stands her ground and defends her coven against the man who rescued her from Hell, something which the old Madison would never do.

Loathed Her: Bullying The Other Witches

Madison Montgomery is the mean girl of Miss Robichaux’s Academy in Coven. Despite having sympathetic elements to her character, the actress bullies Zoe, Nan, and Queenie and rarely has a nice word to say about anyone but herself. She makes several disparaging comments about the other witches and views them as competition for Supremacy.

Madison was always vindictive but her bullying ways become even more vicious after her first brush with death. She becomes even more selfish, showing regard only for her well-being and disregarding the lives of her sister witches.

Loved Her: Freeing Moira

Madison and warlock Behold Chablis go to the infamous murder house in Apocalypse to investigate the origins of Michael Langdon. Whilst there, they encounter several of the house’s resident spirits, including Michael’s grandmother Constance. She agrees to help them on the condition they remove Moira’s ghost from the house.

Madison shows her soft side and frees Moira despite Behold offering to banish her spirit to the closet. Moira thanks her tearfully and Madison and Behold bury her bones in her mother’s grave, reuniting them at last.

Loathed Her: Leaving Zoe Dead

Madison demonstrates just how cruel and heartless she can be after she refuses to bring her fellow witch Zoe back from the dead. The witches are asked to perform the Seven Wonders and Zoe dies during the Transmutation trial. Cordelia implores Madison to resurrect Zoe but the witch refuses, killing and resurrecting a fly to pass the trial.

This has dire consequences for Madison as Kyle kills her out of revenge. Madison was jealous of Zoe and it was her envy that caused her demise and her hellish afterlife.

Loved Her: Helping Violet

Madison might have issues with Zoe but her relationship with Zoe’s lookalike Violet Harmon is more positive. Whilst visiting the murder house, Madison helps more than one spirit after she finds Violet crying over her fractured relationship with Tate. The witch brings the two lost spirits back together, closing the gate to the house behind her as a symbolic conclusion to their reunion.

Although Madison has a mean streak, she has shown throughout American Horror Story that, deep down, she wants to be loved. Hopefully, the witch will find her true love - or at least meet her match - if she reappears in a future season. 

Loathed Her: Killing Misty

One of Madison’s most deplorable acts includes murdering Misty Day in cold blood. After worrying that Misty is the new Supreme and not her, Madison takes a leaf out of Fiona Good’s book and kills Misty, eliminating her competition for the queenship of the coven.

Misty is one of American Horror Story’s most pure and good-natured characters and she did not deserve her second death or betrayal by a fellow witch. Misty does get some revenge, however, after she returns to Miss Robichaux’s and mercilessly beats Madison before they are confronted by the Axe-Man.

Loved Her: Standing With Her Coven

Madison is a changed person after her stay in Hell. When Michael rescues her in Apocalypse, the witch is initially resentful of Cordelia and the witches for their complacency towards her death. However, when the war with Michael starts, Madison remains with the coven instead of predictably defecting and joining a stronger ally.

Although Madison and Michael would have been an interesting power couple, it is even better to see the witch embrace her role in the coven. She stands against her sister witches for most of Coven but, in Apocalypse, she stands with them.

Loathed Her: Interfering In Zoe And Kyle’s Relationship

Zoe and Kyle get off to a great start… until his frat brothers assault Madison and the witch kills them all in revenge. Although she helps Zoe bring him back from the dead, Madison grows jealous of their connection and forces her way into their relationship.

Madison’s envy is her undoing as Kyle ultimately kills her after she refuses to save Zoe’s life. Madison also becomes jealous when neighbor Luke shows interest in Nan and not her, showcasing the depths of her selfishness.

Loved Her: “I Need A Cigarette”

After returning from death for the first time, Madison delivers a catchphrase line that is one of her best quotes from the show. Misty Day uses her powers to bring Madison back to life despite the witch having been dead for a while, and Madison’s first words after her gruesome resurrection are “I need a cigarette.”

This classic line demonstrates why audiences love Madison - or, at least, why they love to hate her. Her morality is ambiguous but she has style and sass even in the most grisly situations.

Loathed Her: Killing Her Director

When viewers first meet Madison in Coven, they learn that the troubled witch has always had a fiery temper. The witches share the experiences that led them to Miss Robichaux’s and Madison reveals that she purposely killed her director after he criticized her acting abilities.

Madison has her qualities but, particularly in Coven, she is a selfish person with no regard for the welfare of other people. She may be slightly naive when it comes to romance but she is also devious and cunning.