In the fifth season of American Horror Story, we’re taken to Los Angeles into a haunted hotel known as Hotel Cortez. Based on a real-life case of Cecil Hotel and its many urban legends, the season tells the story of drug addiction, vampirism, and power struggle among murderers within the hotel.

The season became particularly popular due to Lady Gaga’s role as The Countess, for which she was highly praised. With such an interesting host of characters, we’ve prepared a list of the D&D alignments of all the main characters of Hotel.

Will Drake: True Neutral

A wealthy prodigy of fashion and art, Will Drake buys Hotel Cortez in hopes of doing a total renovation of it. He’s later seduced by The Countess, who plans to kill him for his money. Eventually, he becomes a ghost stuck in the hotel just like everyone else and engages in cruelties until he’s given a new, proper purpose by Liz Taylor.

Drake is simply doing what he feels like doing because he has the money for it. With enough capital, he does what he likes, sometimes in line with the law and sometimes, after his death, not in line with the law. He’s a bit of a wild card and in that sense a True Neutral.

Ramona Royale: Neutral Evil

Ramona was once The Countess’ lover, but now she wants revenge for the death of her boyfriend, orchestrated by The Countess herself. Along with Donovan, she first concocts a plan to kill The Countess, but following his betrayal, she’s locked up with Will Drake.

Ramona is a vampire and will kill in order to feed herself, without mercy. Moreover, when something is taken away from her, she wants to see revenge done upon the person responsible, and will stop at nothing to get it, making her a Neutral Evil who works for their own profit.

Sally McKenna: Chaotic Evil

Sally is the ghost of a drug addict who wanders the halls of the Hotel Cortez, haunting drug addicts with the help of the Addiction Demon. She’s a poltergeist in the most accurate sense of the word and has a bitter relationship with Iris after she pushed her to her death in the aftermath of Donovan’s death.

Sally is a tortured spirit, who has no sympathy for anyone around the hotel. She enjoys toying with the guests and making them suffer through the Addiction Demon. In a way, you could consider her demonic herself, which is why she’s a Chaotic Evil.

Liz Taylor: Chaotic Neutral

Once known as a man, Liz is one of the most devout workers of the hotel who has embraced her true identity since her first arrival. She first came to the hotel during a business trip, but after being discovered by her co-workers in the hallways, dressed like a woman, she was nearly beaten to death by them. The Countess saves her life, and gives her a new purpose within the hotel.

Liz is primarily motivated by what she believes is best for herself, true Chaotic Neutral fashion. When she falls in love with Tristan, she’ll do anything to be with him, and is heartbroken when The Countess takes him away from her, inspiring plans of revenge in her mind.

Donovan: Neutral Evil

Donovan was once a drug addict who died from a heroin overdose but was rescued by The Countess. Now, as her flame and a vampire, they hunt together. Donovan’s love for her is so deep he would do anything for her, and he pursues her relentlessly, even after she hurts his feelings and he plans to take her down.

Donovan doesn’t mind committing evil acts, such as killing for his own gain or to get rid of a competitor of the Countess’ heart. He’s a Neutral Evil, always choosing the path that best suits his interest, which is to be The Countess’ only love.

Dr. Alex Lowe: Chaotic Good

A mother so obsessed with her son she nearly commits suicide, Alex is desperate to find out what happened to Holden. The matter of their missing son is so damaging she becomes distant towards John, and files for a divorce. However, when she visits the hotel, she sees Holden and finds out what he’s become, only to turn into a vampire herself.

Alex’s choices are based on his undying love for Holden. Their bond is unique, and when she has a chance of being with him forever, she takes it. Her will to do good takes her as far as saving a child from death by contracting him with vampirism.

James Patrick March: Chaotic Evil

March was the original founder, creator, and owner of the Hotel Cortez, which he built in order to kill as much as he wanted within the safety of the hotel’s walls. He’s a sadist through and through, a man who despises religion above all and who consequently creates the idea of the Ten Commandment murders.

March is evil incarnated, his spirit so vicious it never hesitates to kill and trick those around him. He’s completely insane, and rejoices in violence, as shown in how he gathers with famous serial killers during Halloween to celebrate.

Detective John Lowe: Lawful Evil

John’s character is a complicated one. As the main character of the season, he’s desperate to catch a serial killer on the run known as the Ten Commandment killer. However, what he doesn’t know is how much he himself has to do with these killings, and how he obeys a very strict set of codes without knowing it.

John is a detective on the brink of mental destruction through alcoholism. The hotel consumes him alive, as does the investigation, which reveals his true character and where he stands in terms of his loyalty, making him a Lawful Evil against his own will.

Iris: Lawful Evil/Neutral Evil

Iris is one of the people in charge at the hotel, right after The Countess and by Liz’s side. She’s the mother of Donovan and only stays around in order to be close to him even after his death. She’s not fond of violence, because she wants to see the hotel succeed, but she’s often subject to superior rules from The Countess, which drives her to seek vengeance against her.

Iris is driven at first by the rules of the hotel, but as she chooses to betray The Countess and take charge, she manages to restore the glory of the hotel. Although she rejects evil and killing at first, she has no problem gunning down The Countess and Donovan when the opportunity presents itself.

The Countess: Lawful Evil

The Countess is the leader of the hotel. An actress once turned into a vampire by her two lovers, Natacha and Rudolph, she married James Patrick March without a drop of love for him. After March sealed Natacha and Rudolph into a secret hallway, The Countess became embittered and hated March, while gathering as many lovers around herself as she wishes.

The Countess is highly selfish. She expects everyone around her to be loyal and to worship her, yet she frequently angers the people who love her by cheating on them. Through power and influence, she dominates those around her mercilessly, by disguising herself as occasionally benevolent.